Leonardo – Features

Clients List – Client’s Record – Calendar – Invoices – Tasks – Text Modules – Settings

Leonardo is the Android application for private and self-payment practices in a wide range of professions. Leonardo stores your client’s data on your device – not in a cloud. You only need an internet connection for email communication or if you want to send a newsletter.

Clients List

  • Clients List
  • Manage and send Newsletters (three groups, each with 500 recipients)

Client's Record

  • Overview Appointments with Billing
  • Extensive Documentation features: text, image, video, sound, speech to text, pdf attachments
  • Manage diagnoses
  • Letters and emails
  • Address management
  • Automatic appointment billing


  • Day, 5-Days, 7-Days, Month, Year
  • Appointment & Billing Assistant
  • Single and group appointments with billing


  • Invoices with a click
  • Create Invoices, Due Invoices, Paid Invoices
  • Payment reminder
  • Cancellation invoice
  • Print invoices
  • Mail invoices


  • Task Management
  • Delete done tasks automatically

Text Modules

  • Manage Procedures and Products
  • Text snippets for documentation, letters, and mails (write once always available)
  • Manage Diagnoses
  • Templates for Invoices, Reminders, Letters, E-Mails


  • Settings for Language, Layout, Invoices, Calendar, Tasks
  • Import Procedures, Products
  • Import Clients
  • Tax Consultation Export
  • Backup
  • Support